
2050 Regional Transport Strategy

The 2050 Regional Transport Strategy project is funded by the NSW government with the aim of identifying regional transport demands encompassing regional freight movement, tourism and community requirements.

The FWJO has identified that a major priority for region is the development of a Regional Transport Strategy that identifies transport capacity and needs to 2050. The aims of the Far West Regional Transport Strategy are to:

  • identify and prioritise future transport infrastructure which caters for both current demands and provides opportunities to attract future investment
  • competitively position the region for securement of future funding for upgrade and maintenance of its transport network
  • consider the overall transport needs for the region, including that for freight, social/community and tourism requirements, across the full range of transport modes
  • ensure key outcomes support the desire for a well-connected, economically competitive and safe region in terms of its overall transport network

Tonkin Consulting Pty Ltd have been engaged by the FWJO Board to deliver the 2050 Regional Transport Strategy.

Regional Priorities
Establish strategic regional priorities and develop strategies for their delivery
Regional Leadership
Provide regional leadership and advocacy
Economic Opportunities
Identify and take up opportunities for economic development