

Operating and Governance framework supporting the FWJO

In 2017, amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) were passed to enable joint organisations to be established.  These amendments provide the operating framework for joint organisations.

The operation and priorities of the FWJO are determined by the FWJO Board, which comprises voting and non-voting representatives.  The voting members of the FWJO are representatives of member councils.  A NSW government employee nominated by the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabine also sits on the Board as a non-voting representative.

The day-to-day management of the FWJO is supported by the Executive Officer, who performs a similar role in the FWJO to that or a general manager in a council.

Joint organisations are subject to or similar to the operating and governance framework that applies to councils, principally in relation to the governance of joint organisations, such as the election of chairpersons, alternates for voting members of the board, the content of charters of joint organisations, reporting obligations and staffing.  In compliance with the requirements of the Regulations, the following information is provided:

Meetings Documents


Stronger Regions
Regional Priorities
Establish strategic regional priorities and develop strategies for their delivery
Regional Leadership
Provide regional leadership and advocacy
Economic Opportunities
Identify and take up opportunities for economic development