
Broken Hill Region Project

CBD Masterplan including City Cultural Strategy and Destination Wayfinding Project

The Broken Hill CBD Masterplan is aimed at revitalising the City Centre to stimulate economic activity and encourage residents and visitors to spend more time in the DBC and identified heritage and cultural precincts such as Patton Park Precinct in South Broken Hill and Queen Elizabeth Park in North Broken Hill. It should include (but is not limited to) spin off strategies identified in the Broken Hill Cultural Framework and Synopsis Report including:

  • The softening and greening of Argent street and the broader CBD through tree plantings, seating, shading
  • Creating an inviting space that will encourage people when finished visiting the cultural precinct, to spill out onto Argent street to shop, sit, relax in an environment that espouses liveability
  • Encouraging residents and visitors to experience the precincts of Patton Park and Queen Elizabeth Park
  • The opportunity for pop up businesses, shops or eateries to operate
  • Integrated lighting and banner poles that will encourage advertising / marketing of upcoming events and complement the projection and lighting project
  • An environment that will actively support the growth of a twilight economy
  • Interpretive wayfinding and signage that links disparate facilities and attractions