With a vision to transform collaboration between member councils, state agencies and other key stakeholders

The Far West Joint Organisation is an initiative of the NSW Office of Local Government, being one of the 13 Joint Organisations established with the aim of elevating the shared priorities of member councils’ strategic plans, programs, priorities and policies. Read more »

Member Organisations

Implemented to strengthen the strategic capability and delivery of regional priorities, the Far West Joint Organisation is a collaboration between the NSW government and four local government authorities:

square kilometres
Steady Growth
in population, jobs and Gross Regional Product
Over 40 towns and villages and 2 regional centres
people aged 0-14 yers
people ages over 65 years
Strategic Regional Priorities

Founded on a strong connection to our people and places, enabling vibrant regional futures through collaborations and effective leadership


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FWJO Leadership and Advocacy
Sustainable Vibrant Communities

The FWJO aims to provide regional leadership for communities and to be an advocate for the areas’ strategic regional priorities, facilitating opportunities and partnerships that will create sustainable vibrant communities.  In order to achieve this the FWJO members will work collaboratively:

  • Having a regional view which is focussed on strategic visions supporting the sustainability of individual community and council areas; and
  • Partnering with key stakeholders, such as the State and Federal governments as well as local communities
Tourism Infrastructure Project

The Tourism Infrastructure Project is an initiative of the NSW Government, partnering with the FWJO, providing funding to grow tourism and further diversity in the region’s economy. Read more »

Stronger Regions
Regional Priorities
Establish strategic regional priorities and develop strategies for their delivery
Regional Leadership
Provide regional leadership and advocacy
Economic Opportunities
Identify and take up opportunities for economic development